Image of a large phone and people looking at their phones.

We Are All Smart (Phones) Now

Written by Paul Siluch
October 14, 2022

Every traveller has a cell phone today. You need one to navigate, clear customs, and log vaccination records. Even cyclists and skateboarders can be heard talking on them as they fly past. Victoria’s homeless shelter says one of their biggest needs is charging ports and data donations. You need a phone to apply for a job and just about every modern activity.

On the subway and in the airports, all you can see is people staring down at their phones. At the sunglass store, you can now buy glasses with built-in cameras. Alphabet (NASDAQ GOOGL) tried glasses with tiny screens a few years ago and failed, but better versions are coming. In fact, some think eyeball screens on glasses may replace phones someday, a progression that Apple (NASDAQ AAPL) and Samsung have to be worried about.

What this is doing to us as a species is worth scratching our heads about. Our attention spans have certainly shortened. We read books once and now graze articles and bullet points. We endured 90-minute movies, but now prefer quick YouTube videos and 20-second TikTok shorts.

Our yet brainpower has expanded exponentially. Need to know any world capital? In seconds, Google will tell you. Your “memory” is literally the size of Google’s. It is a path of modern evolution that is not slowing down. Children today are entertained and educated with screens almost from birth. Their children will use technology in much more seamless ways that blur the line between human and machine. This is just the beginning.

I suppose merging with machines beats being replaced by them.